What is the First Aid for an Asthma Attack?

First Aid tips for Asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing episodes of breathlessness, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing. While the condition can be managed effectively with appropriate medication and lifestyle adjustments, asthma attacks can still occur unexpectedly and potentially become life-threatening if not addressed promptly. Understanding how to provide first aid during an asthma attack is crucial knowledge that can help you or others respond effectively in such critical moments.

In this blog article, we will delve into the world of asthma attacks and explore the essential first aid measures that can make a significant difference in relieving symptoms and potentially preventing further complications. Whether you're someone living with asthma, a caregiver, or simply a concerned individual, arming yourself with the right information and skills can empower you to take swift action during an asthma emergency

1. Signs of Breathing Problems

You can tell if someone is having trouble breathing if the person:

  • is breathing very fast or very slowly
  • is having trouble with every breath
  • has noisy breathing -  you hear a sound or whistle as the air enters or leaves the lungs
  • can only make sounds or speak no more than a few words at a time in between breaths although the person is trying to say more

A person who is having an asthma attack will have trouble breathing. Asthma is a disease of the air passages. Someone having a heart attack, having a stroke, or experiencing certain illnesses or injuries also may have breathing problems. They may develop mild or severe blockage of the air passages.

2. Assemble and Use an Inhaler

Someone with a medical condition involving breathing problems, such as asthma, usually knows about the condition and what to do. He often carries inhaler medicine, which can help him breathe more easily within minutes of using it. At times, the person can have such a hard time breathing that he needs help using his inhaler. For this reason, you should be ready to assemble the inhaler and help him use it.

Inhalers are made of 2 parts: the medicine canister and the mouthpiece.

A spacer can be attached that makes it easier for the person with a breathing problem to inhale all the medicine.

Follow these steps to assemble and use an inhaler.

2.1 To assemble the inhaler

  1. First, check the date of expiration of the medicine on the canister
  2. Put the medicine canister into the mouthpiece.
  3. Remove the cap from the mouthpiece.
  4. Attach a spacer if there is one available and if you know how.
  5. Shake the medicine.

2.2 To use an inhaler

  1. Tilt the head back slightly and breathe out slowly.
  2. Place the inhaler or spacer in the mouth.
  3. Push down on the medicine canister.
  4. Breathe in very deeply and slowly.
  5. Hold your breath for about 10 seconds
  6. Then, breathe out slowly

3. Actions for Helping Someone with breathing Problems

If someone is having breathing problems, follow these first aid action steps to help him.

  1. Make sure the scene is safe
  2. Ask the person if he needs help. If he does, ask if he has medicine.
  3. If he has medicine, get it for him. Then, assemble and help him use the inhaler.
  4. Phone your local emergency number if:
    • The person has no medicine
    • The person does not get better after using his medicine
    • The person's breathing gets worse
    • The person has trouble speaking.
    • The person becomes unresponsive.
  5. Stay with the person until someone with more advance training arrives and takes over.

Online First Aid CPR AED Courses

If you wish to learn First Aid CPR AED and get your certificate from the comfort of your home, you can join our online courses from our E-Learning platform!

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